Forums - What is the toughest combo you've ever "completed" (any game!)? Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- What is the toughest combo you've ever "completed" (any game!)? ( Posted by Combo Master on 04:02:2001 05:57 AM: Post the most challenging combo that you've ever done in your life for any of the Capcom fighting games out there so far. List the following: 1)Why it was so difficult 2)How did you find out how to perform the combo? 3)What type of skills were required? (timing skills count since its a combo!). 4)How do you feel now? 5)ARe there any other difficult/challenging combos that you are currently working on? Now I'm sure that your first comment would be "these are questions for scrubs!," but hey...we all have to start somewhere, right?! Posted by Lar-ry$ on 04:02:2001 06:05 AM: Geese's Deadly Rave...... that and a 3 hit combo w/ Blackheart (j/k) LOL Posted by Geese on 04:02:2001 06:42 AM: Ryu's j. rh, c. forward, fierce fb in SF2. Posted by Combo Master on 04:03:2001 08:14 AM: More questions: 1)Would you prefer trying out someone else's combos (another person) over your own in any fighting game? If yes, then why/ 2)If you were to ignore all other combo experts and make your own combos, how would you do it? 3)So far, what was the biggest combo you've pulled off in MvC2 (show detailed analysis). That's about it for now! Posted by Tiger Bones on 04:03:2001 02:10 PM: super turbo combos are the hardest combos ever made. after that its kof 98 .. jump fierce, stand fierce, super fireball was my greatest ever combo achievement. along with the guile super distortion combos i posted on my advanced super turbo thread. kof 98 combos were extremly hard to do. running in and doing yamazakis neck choke super takes extreme skill and may as well be classed as an advanced combo cos of its difficulty. there are many many more kof 98 combos that could be added. all new sf and vs game combos are ridicolously easy to do. thats a dissapointment. only sf 3 gives a feeling of satisfaction when u pull of one of the longer super chain combos these days. Posted by on 04:03:2001 02:12 PM: AHVBx3 Magnetic Tempest (Sounds easy, but timing is a bitch to learn) The Ryu combo of SF2 (,, hadoken, it looks easy, but it's hard!) My 360 motions Raging Storm Posted by psx2000 on 04:03:2001 02:16 PM: comboing the raging storm is the latest hard thing i can recall doing thats about it. Posted by Tiger Bones on 04:03:2001 02:37 PM: heh also Geeses 100% combo on R1 and 90 damage on R2's is hard in snk flashing and maxed out bar jump in fierce 2hits, stand fierce, lvl 3 super, raging storm afterwards in corner....powwwww...thats some difficult shit.. for cvs anyways. Posted by bison812 on 04:03:2001 02:46 PM: the hardest combo that ive learned was v-akuma from sfa3 the one where the red fire ball keeps the opponent in the air all the way to the end of the screen that sob is pretty hard but once you learn the timing and how to whiff a move some of the other vism are pretty easy and the combo im working on now magnetos infinite now that IMO is pretty hard so if anyone knows the timing any help would be appreciated. Posted by Evil Morrigan on 04:03:2001 03:42 PM: Dudley's Low Rounhouse, Rushing upper, Super Canceled into CorkScrew Blow, I practiced like crazy to pull this combo off, now its second nature to me. I can do pretty much any Sf3 combo now, Im going to be the new Skill Smith Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:03:2001 04:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by Tiger Bones kof 98 combos were extremly hard to do. running in and doing yamazakis neck choke super takes extreme skill and may as well be classed as an advanced combo cos of its difficulty. there are many many more kof 98 combos that could be added. all new sf and vs game combos are ridicolously easy to do. thats a dissapointment. only sf 3 gives a feeling of satisfaction when u pull of one of the longer super chain combos these days. try this one with yamazaki in 98. i dunno if its hard or not for you, but for me it took a couple of tries. jump-in attack, stand c, b-version sandkick->b-version snake-arm->cancelXXguillotine the hypergrav-tempest is a bit hard for me to do in MVC2, but i managed to pull of the 3x version like once Posted by Terazon on 04:03:2001 06:37 PM: Unfortunately I'm not all that great at combos [although I love them hugely], so my toughest was a 120+ hit combo is one with Cable that goes something like this... 1]Crossup hk [near cornered victim]. 2]dlk,lk,hk, 3]Qct,ut+2p, mash + pull down 4]as above unmashed [or minimally mashed] while pulling up. 5]Step 3 mashed harder, pulled up 6]Step 3 with harder mashing and a little more delay before pressing the buttons 7-8]Jump and fire AHVB. This is the world famous AHVBx5 combo that everyone knows about by now. There are probably better ways to do it, but this is how I do it and it seems to work fairly well. If anyone can find a better way to chain 5 for him I'm opened to the suggestion. The most difficult combo I'm working on is a Hulk Combo. It destroys half life, cannot be blocked, and can be modified to inflict 6/7 health [it deals half life without supers. I've actually done it properly]. It's actually quite simple in reality. The only reasons I haven't mastered it yet are... 1]There are better characters than Hulk 2]The assist needed belongs to a character I can't use well yet, 3]The team structure necessary to set it up can be mildly potent but is too reliant on that perticular assist. I hate having to relying on the same assist for both other characters all the time because [IMO] it weakens team depth. I suppose I can find a way around it if I really want to using Blackheart as my third man. 4]I'm more interested in Blackheart, Strider [with Doom], and Megaman right now. Hey Combo Master, What's yours!!! Posted by Terazon on 04:03:2001 06:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by Combo Master More questions: 1)Would you prefer trying out someone else's combos (another person) over your own in any fighting game? If yes, then why/ Only to start. After that I will almost always innovate and invent my own. I use the expert advice to speed up time and then brainstorm to find ways to make their combos worse, more stylish, etc. quote: 2)If you were to ignore all other combo experts and make your own combos, how would you do it? I'd experiment to find out how the game engine works and begin semi random exploitation of it's nuances. I exploit EVERYTHING they place before me and worsen it that I notice. quote: 3)So far, what was the biggest combo you've pulled off in MvC2 (show detailed analysis). Shown in my previous post. Posted by Gen-An on 04:03:2001 08:54 PM: Most difficult combo I've ever done was probably one of the TZW ST combos. I guess it would be between Chun Li's crossup fwd, backwards s jab, s.jab x3, low jab to super, juggle with up kick vs Shotos, or Bison/Vega's crossup fwd, backwards c.strong, s short, c.str, super, juggle with j.str x2. What makes it so hard is that as I'm sure everyone knows, in ST you can't just do a normal and then do the super motion. You have to have completed part of the super motion beforehand to combo a normal into the super. So basically you have to charge back and hit the first normal (with the Chun combo, s jab), go forward, go db and then hit the c jab, then go fwd+kick. The timing is really tight and it's just hard to do. Posted by Gen-An on 04:03:2001 08:56 PM: On second thought, just doing low strong to Morrigan's Darkness Illusion super (the original raging demon motion)in the Vampire games is probably as hard for me as those TZW combos... Posted by Assist Type on 04:03:2001 09:09 PM: Keeping an infinite combo going. The thought of messing up causes tension. Posted by strider_hien on 04:03:2001 09:10 PM: 1)The hardest combo i pulled off, was in MVC1, with Strider. It SEEMS like an easy combo, but the timing for it is tight. It's this: Ragnarok, otg, d.wk, d.fp/\sj.wp, sj.wk,,, jab excalibur I've only done this combo a few times, cuz it's so hard! 2) I found out when messing around with Strider. I didn't know you could OTG, until, i kept trying. 3)Pure timing skills. You have to press the d.wk ASAP! or else it won't connect!! 4)I feel so proud, lol j/k! i don't know, feel kinda good since i FINALLY did the combo 5) I'm currently working on CAble's Tiger Knee combo in MVC2 6) Sometimes i would prefer trying other peoples combos, IF they are better than mine. 7) I would just do every super/special move there is, and try and think of some combos for them 8) The biggest combo i pulled off in MVC2, was probably Cable's AHVBx3. This is how i did it: s.wk,,, jab scimitar xx AHVB\//\AHVB\//\AHVB After the fierce kick i immediately cancelled into the jab scimitar, then cancelled into the AHVB. After i landed, i pressed up fast, and tagged on a 2nd one, then a 3rd Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 04:03:2001 09:34 PM: i think the most amazing combo i ever did was like when x-men vs streetfighter...i did like a basic air combo out of no where and it was like a fluke!!! but every one was like claping and amazed lol those were the every one can do combos like it's a daily task!!! and it took me like a week to learn how to do a combo when the game came out lol Posted by LOLO on 04:03:2001 11:03 PM: my toughest combo goes to Makoto in 3rd Strike~~ do it when Makoto in the corner only: command grab, s.Fierce cancel into SA-II, foward dash, Jap Uppercut, forward dash, SA-II, forward jump into air axe kick, Fierce Dashing Punch X2~~ ppl will got stunned right away~~ so jump to the opposite side, command grab, s.Fierce, (note: ur super meter will charged up to 1 now), so cancel that s.Fierce into SA-II again, foward jump into air axe kick, Fierce Dashing Punch X2~~ this is the toughest combo i have ever done... it involve dashing forward and execute moves in the opposite direction~~ and u gotta have a very good timing for the 2 super arts to get connected~~ but it kills off ppl w/ one combo since it's done w/ 3 super art~~ Posted by thug life on 04:04:2001 12:53 AM: the hardest combo that i've pulled was a psylocke combo in x-men children of the atom. it has everything... special moves, supers, air throws that connect, double jumps, and multiple otgs before rolling existed... it's tight... i forgot the combo because it's so damn long, but for those of you who want to try and have the game at home, here's some of what i remember: in the corner j.FP, land, d.c.MK, c.MK, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.MP, land, c.FP, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.MP, dj.MP, dj.MK, qcf+FP, dj.MK, qcf+FP, dj.MK, qcf+3P (two times at diagnal towards the corner), air throw(connects), land, d.c.MK, jump, air throw, c.MK, d.s.LK, s.LK, s.LK, s.LK, c.MK, j.LP, j.LK, dj.LP, dj.LK, qcf+LK, MK, FK you don't have to end it, but it's too long to write out 99 hits... no one plays the game anymore anyway... which kind of sucks after i discover this crazy combo. oh well Posted by Combo Master on 04:04:2001 05:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by Terazon Unfortunately I'm not all that great at combos [although I love them hugely], so my toughest was a 120+ hit combo is one with Cable that goes something like this... 1]Crossup hk [near cornered victim]. 2]dlk,lk,hk, 3]Qct,ut+2p, mash + pull down 4]as above unmashed [or minimally mashed] while pulling up. 5]Step 3 mashed harder, pulled up 6]Step 3 with harder mashing and a little more delay before pressing the buttons 7-8]Jump and fire AHVB. This is the world famous AHVBx5 combo that everyone knows about by now. There are probably better ways to do it, but this is how I do it and it seems to work fairly well. If anyone can find a better way to chain 5 for him I'm opened to the suggestion. The most difficult combo I'm working on is a Hulk Combo. It destroys half life, cannot be blocked, and can be modified to inflict 6/7 health [it deals half life without supers. I've actually done it properly]. It's actually quite simple in reality. The only reasons I haven't mastered it yet are... 1]There are better characters than Hulk 2]The assist needed belongs to a character I can't use well yet, 3]The team structure necessary to set it up can be mildly potent but is too reliant on that perticular assist. I hate having to relying on the same assist for both other characters all the time because [IMO] it weakens team depth. I suppose I can find a way around it if I really want to using Blackheart as my third man. 4]I'm more interested in Blackheart, Strider [with Doom], and Megaman right now. Hey Combo Master, What's yours!!! What's mine what? Hardest combo I've done so far? Well its not hard anymore, but Im still working on enhancing it. The combo is with Psylocke in MvC2 vs. Juggernaut and Im doing her triple jump air combo. Normally I set it up like this on a none-attacking juggy in training mode: In the corner: J.LK, J.LP, J.LK \/ D.S.LP, S.LK, C.MP, C.RH > LP Psy Blast (OTG), C.FP (juggle hit & launch) /\ SJ.LP,LK,LP,LK, UP+RH /\ DJ.LP, LK,LP,LK, U+RH Every time I try triple jump at the end, I can't seem to be able to catch up to Juggy cuz he's already almost out of my sight (half of his body is at the very top of the screen where you can't see part of his body anymore). Is there a solution to this? Oh yeah, and my team so far is Psylocke, Hayato and Iron Man and I like it! Not the best team in the world (although I never made a goal for that), but I think Im good with it. For X-Men vs. STreet Fighter, this Wolverine combo on Juggernaut took me 3 hours to get it right, but then the day after I couldn't do it anymore. OH's the combo In the corner vs. Juggy: J.LK, J.MP, J.DN.MK, J.DN.FK \/ /\ J.LP, J.LK, J.DN.MK, J.DN.FK (double jump-in part) \/ D.S.LP, C.MK, Claw Slide[D/F+FP](OTG), S.FK /\ SJ.LP,LK,MP,MK > Up/Forward Drill Claw, LP,LK,FK, FK on the way down, land, /\ J.LP,LK,MP,FP,FK, land, /\ J.LP,LK,MP,MK,FP,FK, land and juggle Juggs before he lands with S.LP, S.LK, S.MK, S.FK /\ SJ.LP,LK,MP,MK > Up/Forward Drill Claw, LP, LK, FK, FK on your way down, land, /\ J.LP, J.LK, J.MP, J.FP, J.FK, land, J.LP, J.LK, J.MK + 1/2 slight pause, J.FP, J.FK, land, /\ J.LP,LK,MP,MK, FP, FK, land, juggle Juggs before he lands with S.LP,S.MP, S.MK, S.FK /\ SJ.LP,LK,MPx3, MK > Drill Claw for a total of 72 hits Yes, Yes...I know, I could easily turn this into an infinite but I don't want to cuz I find infinites boring whether or not they're hard to do. That's unless the infinite looks pretty funny to me (i.e. Chun-Li's headstomp infinite). Posted by elffzero on 04:04:2001 09:26 AM: I'd have to say when i first started playing SF any combo was hard as hell.. but what i remember practising the most was in SF2:WW w/ zangeif trying a bodysplash,,SPD. jeex that was tough. Posted by Sentinel_Nuts on 04:04:2001 10:52 AM: Magneto's tempestx3 combo. Why you say? Cuz I did on a regular Dreamcast controller. How's that for difficult. Posted by Esthar SD on 04:04:2001 06:06 PM: mah toughest combo would have to be... one i did with, It was a corner combo patners jill and ruby,.. fist i begin with a four hit hunter combo(jump in deep) then i launch into an air combo witha sj.lp,, and finally a sj.hp,this allows the oppent to knock agianst the wall then you bring out a light punch, hard kick call assist in mah case it was ruby(anti-air)relanch air hunter combo, you fall relanch hunter hyper was like 40 sumthin no powered gun although timing is a bitch...ive only done it twice...i found it incredibly hard because mega man is not a moderatly speedy character oh, and he is not a top tier...according to some Posted by darkumas on 04:04:2001 07:02 PM: The hardest combo for me is the one im currently working on with magneto. throw with kick dash c.short->c.roundhouse->hyper grab-> c.fierce ->SJ.fierce kick->dash down towards, shortx2-> J. jab,D.short, D.strong, Land, Standing jab->C.fierce->SJ. jab, short, strong, jab,short,strong,forward->dash up towards, jab,short,strong,jab,short,strong forward->hyper grab xx magnetic tempest at end, shortx2 hyper grab xx magnetic tempest, repeat until super runs out or guy dies or u hit the floor. Darkumas Posted by Combo Master on 04:05:2001 08:21 AM: I have a new one, but its more of a glitch than a combo. Its in my psx version of MvC1 with Wolverine vs. Roll called the Weapon X To Super Jump cancel Glitch (and only in the PSX version!). Now normally you can't really cancel a super into a super jump at all, I was trying to cancel into a Fatal Claw at a few seconds just before the last hit of the Weapon X. But I screwed up the motion and Wolverine walked forward one step real quick and then super jumped for no reason and did a roundhouse kick in the air automatically. I think this is what it was: In the corner vs. Roll: S.LP, S.LK, S.MK,C.FP > Berserker Barrage X > Weapon X (wait until 2nd to the last hit which looks like his J.FP) > Perform a messed up motion of the Fatal Claw (i.e. F, D/F, D, D/F, UP+KKK or just R1 for me!) really, REALLY fast and instead of Wolverine Hyper Cancelling into the FAtal Claw just after 2nd to the last hit of the Weapon X, Wolvie will suddenly stop hitting Roll and take a quick step forward and then super jump for no reason. I don't know why this happens, but it does and its funny (as well as a waste of super...but oh well). If you can time it well like I do, I'll give you major props cuz the glitch is a bitch to do and it only works on Roll (that's unless you find out YOURSELF!). All times are GMT. The time now is 09:23 PM. Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.